Odd One Out: Hobbies & Free Time

Here’s another odd one out activity! This time, your students get to practice the vocabulary of Hobbies and Free time!


Each card contains 5 words or phrases. One of them doesn’t fit. Students must find the odd one out and explain why. Play as a group or let your students try to find all 9 answers, then check them as a class.

Give a point for each correct answer (the odd one out and the explanation).

You can also give students a point if they come up with a logical answer of their own. Once you finish all the cards, you can also have them come up with their own odd-one-out cards for the class on the topic of hobbies and free time.

Below are the suggested answers:

1) arts and crafts – we use the verb play with the other activities. We do arts and crafts. 

2)  gardening – we use the verb go with the other activities. 

3)  reading – with the other activities, we produce something / they are creative hobbies. 

4)  watch a movie – usually the other activities are outdoor activities. 

5) picture – we use the verb do with the other words. 

6) hockey – the other sports use a ball. 

7) skydiving – the other activities are winter activities. 

8) hiking – usually the other activities are indoor activities. 

9) running – the other activities use your hands. 


Although this activity is not meant as a lesson on its own, it is an excellent companion or alternative to the usual textbook activities about hobbies & free time.

You can use it as a warm-up, a review of useful vocabulary, or an end-of-lesson activity.

Besides, just like our other jukebox activities, it works as well for groups as it does for one-on-one lessons, offline or online!

Have fun!


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Nicolas Bragard

Nicolas Bragard

As a teacher of ESL and French as a foreign language for several years, I have had the opportunity to work in several countries and with a wide variety of students. Now my job got even better: I get to help make your lessons all pretty and fun! Rather cool, I'd say.

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