The Impact of Russia’s Invasion – Global Trade Vocabulary and Discussion
Have a discussion about Global Trade while learning the vocabulary that goes along with it! For intermediate to advanced students (B1-B2)
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In this 90-minute lesson for intermediate (B1) groups and individuals, students discuss the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on world trade. There is a warm up activity where students match the material with the country that produces the most of it. Next, a video from Voice of America explains Ukraine and Russia’s place in global trade and how this crisis may affect the world beyond their borders. There are two listening comprehension exercises, one for gist and another for details. In the details section, students must listen for numbers mentioned in the video and fill in the blanks with the correct answers. A vocabulary exercise follows focusing on the vocabulary of global trade. Students find words derived from other words, such as produce, producer, production, productive as well as synonyms and antonyms. Next, a fill in the blank exercise with text from the video gives students the chance to practice their new vocabulary in a guided exercise. Finally, a speaking activity where students talk about the trading conditions and relationships between a set of countries. They can be factual or fictional, but the countries have been chosen to provide some basic answers, especially with several examples from the video itself.
Answers to the warm up:
- Bananas – India
- Tomatoes – China
- Corn – United States of America
- Silver – Mexico
- Olives – Spain
- Diamonds – Russia
- Sunflower oil – Ukraine
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elianesusi –
It looks amazing! I can’t wait to use it in my classes! Thank you so much for sharing!
Ian Kime –
Great! Let us know how it goes! And don’t forget to check out the worksheet that goes along with it for extra practice and great homework assignments.
frenchconnexions01 –
Great resource, thank you! The warmer was difficult for everyone and good fun. Lots of interesting information in the video, a good way of introducing a difficult subject but important for current affairs discussion with adult students.
The one page format is excellent.
Keep up the good work!
Ian Kime –
Yes, difficult and important. Luckily, this vocabulary can also be used much more generally. Check out the worksheet that comes after this lesson to see the vocabulary in other contexts 🙂
LC –
This is exactly what I needed! I’m using this with a student tomorrow. Thanks!
Ian Kime –
Hope it worked out!