Well, Say Something! Thanksgiving Edition
This Thanksgiving-themed speaking activity is full of phrases one might hear on Thanksgiving Day in America. Yes, I’ve heard most of them!
Play as a class or in small groups. The goal of the game is to respond to one of the phrases and have others guess which one. But there are plenty of other ways to use it, too.
You could simply choose a phrase, and have your students all respond to it. Everyone shares their response and you can vote on the best, the funniest, the meanest, etc.
Pairs could choose one of the phrases as a starting point and then write a short dialogue and share it to the class.
Students could play it backwards and think of a something to say that would have provoked one of the phrases on the activity. Other students must guess which one it provokes.
Any other thoughts on how to use this?
A similar activity, but for text messages:
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