Online Friendly ESL Discussion Worksheet: Language and Thought
Learn how a language’s constructions or grammar can affect the way we see the world and then learn about several interesting languages.
- Warm-up question: Which languages do you speak and how do you feel differently when speaking in each one? (e.g. English is my native language, but I speak it slowly and carefully because I want to be clear. With French, I hardly ever think about what I am saying! Sometimes with not so good consequences.)
- Watch the video once: Ask your students to give you one example of a similarity or difference between their native language and one of the languages mentioned in the video. The link to the video is also on the PDF.
- Vocabulary: Check out the vocabulary on the PDF and answer any questions.
- Watch the video again: Answer the questions on the PDF in pairs.
- Speaking Activity: Put students in pairs to complete the speaking activity – directions on the PDF.
- If you’ve still got time left over, put your students in new pairs or small groups and discuss the 3 questions on page 2 of the PDF.
The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owpVaVvQknE
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