Generational Differences Conversation Activity Pack
Introducing our Generational Differences Conversation Activity Pack. This activity pack offers you the ability to conduct long conversation classes (minimum 120 minutes) or use the activities individually to fit your specific needs and objectives.
Our Conversation Activity Packs
Our conversation activity packs include several activities devoted to a single subject. A variety of types of activities are given including reading and listening comprehension, discussion questions, speaking activities, debates and task-based activities. They are designed as a single 2-3 conversation course, perfect for those long Saturday classes, but each activity can be used separately to fit your specific needs.
Generational Differences Conversation Activity Pack
This activity pack offers you the ability to conduct long conversation classes (minimum 120 minutes) or use the activities individually to fit your specific needs and objectives.
Our generational differences conversation activity pack includes:
• a reading comprehension activity about generational differences on page 2 followed by questions for a class debate on page 3. Complete with authentic source material via a link on page 2;
• a speaking activity: “How to be young today” on page 4 where students compare the lives of young people today with those of other time periods;
• a speaking activity: “It’s something you do when…” on page 5 deciding the ideal age to do certain activities or make certain changes in one’s life;
• a speaking activity: “Who said that?” associating phrases with people of different ages on page 6;
• a debate game: “Generation War” on page 7. Students are divided into two groups and draw discussion topics. The talking points are meant to be stereotypical in order to exaggerate the differences between the generations and avoid boring discussion ending in “Well, it depends…” Students play the part of the youth or the elderly (no matter their real age!) and must defend their chosen generation’s point of view;
• a series of questions on page 8 to print, cut out and then distribute to your students (useful for a simple discussion activity in pairs or small groups);
• a vocabulary list to pass out and analyze with your students (especially for some of the expressions connected to young people) on page 9;
• an answer sheet on page 10 for the reading comprehension activity;
It takes a team of 13 to create and produce this material. In order for that to continue, please think about purchasing your own subscription to ESL Expertz and encourage your colleagues to do the same. We appreciate your confidence and support!
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