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Write a Note in English: A Flower is Worth A Thousand Words

At its core, this is a writing activity. It assumes your students can decipher complex nouns through the nominalization of verbs and adjectives.
If this is a bit above them, consider using this activity to discover some examples of nominalization. Ask students what the root of some of the words might be.


Give your students some time to analyze the information. Answer any questions they may have. Then, choose one of the following activities in ascending order of difficulty:

  • Students imagine a scenario that would fit a one-color bouquet. Students present scenarios. The other students guess which color bouquet would be appropriate to send.
  • Choose a color. Students write a note in English to accompany a dozen roses of that color for its recipient. It can be short, 20-30 words.
  • Choose a bouquet on the right and have students imagine a scenario that might be appropriate for these colors to be mixed in a bouquet.
  • Choose a bouquet on the right and have your students write a note in English (50-100 words) that might accompany this bouquet of roses.
  • Students imagine their own bouquet of roses with a mixture of 2-3 colors. Then, they write a note (50-100 words) to accompany this particular bouquet. After sharing the note with the class (here you can have other students correct their writing, or put students in pairs to correct their partners’ writing) the other students (or partner if working in pairs) must decide which color roses might accompany this note.
  • Or, get inspired and come up with your own activity!

At its core, this is a writing activity. It assumes your students can decipher complex nouns through the nominalization of verbs and adjectives.
If this is a bit above them, consider using this activity to discover some examples of nominalization. Ask students what the root of some of the words might be.

What is the root of encouragement? – The verb “encourage.”

What is the root of femininity? – The adjective “feminine.”


How much effort should one put into picking out flowers for a special occasion?
Well, apparently if one has chosen to give roses, the color(s) one chooses can make a huge difference!
Different colors of roses mean very different things. And short notes that accompany them can’t explain everything!
I always knew each color had its own significance but, truth be told, I never bothered to find out the particulars of the different colors of roses.
I finally did my homework. And, it’s time to share.


  1. yourluckystar

    Very original and beautifully designed ! Thanks for sharing !

    • Ian Kime

      Glad you like it 🙂 It’d be great to read some of your students’ notes for their bouquets!

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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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