The Biography Game
Discover and review a plethora of ESL objectives under the guise of a fun and fake biography of an imaginary personality. Perfect for reviewing or extending your students’ knowledge of the past tenses.
The Biography Game is a card game with 4 different fun variations you can use with everyone from your A1 to your B2 students.
The game is to create a silly (or serious) biography of an imaginary person (who resembles a well-known personality or celebrity). According to the level of your group, we offer different objectives.
It’s a fun way to get your students to practice a variety of ESL objectives under the guise of a biography. Oh, and those great illustrations? We did them ourselves!
Target Language
- A1: use the past simple and discover biographical vocabulary;
- A2: practice writing a biography and the use of the past continuous with the past simple;
- B1 and B2: practice more advanced expressions of time, the use of the past continuous, past simple and past perfect, along with writing a more detailed biography. There is even a variation that focuses on the use of the past perfect.
- A 15-page PDF with instructions for all the variations and printable elements (36 PERSONALITIES, 195 biographical EVENT cards, 10 PAST TENSE cards, 14 TRANSITION cards and a GAME BOARD on which your students will prepare their biographies.
- A VIRTUAL VERSION folder which groups together all the game cards in JPG or PNG format so that you can use them in a variety of different ways including: playing the game during your online lessons via screen-share or on a virtual whiteboard, using a projector or interactive whiteboard in your classroom, using your computer screen to display the game cards to your class, or making a limited selection of cards to print in order to limit printing and cutting.
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