Present Continuous & Question Activity
Choose a theme and ask your students to write 3 questions matching the three responses using the present continuous!
On offer today! A present continuous question activity that will challenge your students. Make questions in English, you say? Easy. Making questions with a theme and an answer in mind already? Well, break out your calculators, folks, cause this one is gonna get tough.
How to use this present continuous question activity
Display the activity and set a time limit.
Choose one of the cards at random and tell your students they must write 3 questions matching the three responses found underneath the theme using the present continuous. Once time is up, students share their questions. Each grammatically correct question earns a point. You can give more points for original or unique questions. Make sure the questions relate to the theme!
For example: The sea – Why are you carrying an umbrella? The weather is fantastic! / Are you leaving? I thought you liked the beach! / Are you enrolling for swimming lessons, too?
This activity is designed to encourage your students to ask questions… with a twist! They are forced to use complex structures to ask a grammatically correct question in English. You can use it as a warm-up or an end-of-lesson activity when discussing or reviewing the present continuous tense or practicing questions.
Oh and just like our other Jukeboxes, it can be used online and offline for groups or one-on-one lessons!
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What’s a Jukebox, you ask? Jukeboxes are collections of activities designed for online teaching that fit a particular theme or grammar point.
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*This activity is based on one of our bigger resources.
Have fun!
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