Which number is it?
A game designed for your beginners to practice English numbers and get them talking at their level in a fun way.
Practice English numbers with 28 images, each matched with a number from 1 to 100.
Students play against each other as a class or in small groups. In turns, a different learner secretly chooses an image and tries to make the rest of the class guess it. They can say anything they want: a single word, a sentence, a sound… The other learners indicate their guesses by pronouncing the number beneath the image they choose.
For example, for the image:
Some possible guesses could be:
- “Puppy!”
- “My favorite animal.”
- “We are taking a walk in a park.”
- barking sound (if your students are brave and have a sense of humor ;))
The first person to pronounce the correct number (in our example, “thirty-four”) earns one point. Once the correct image is guessed, mark it off. It can no longer be used in the game.
When there is only one image left to guess, the game ends, and you can count the points to determine a winner.
Looking for more ? Check out all our Numbers Activities.
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