Let me introduce myself… Poster
“Let me introduce myself…” is a poster-game allowing beginners to discover the lexical and grammatical structures to introduce themselves. Comes with printable pdf files from A4 format (standard color or black and white printer) to A0 format and a PNG file for your online needs.
This poster was created and designed to be used in a multitude of contexts:
Display it on a wall in the classroom, in the hallway, even the restrooms or anywhere one learns English;
For use during lessons both in-person and online;
For a student’s individual use or for homework.
Target Language
Let me introduce myself… presents beginnings and endings of sentences that the learner must associate in order to introduce themselves. These sentences exploit fundamental A0/A1 structures (I’ve got, I am, negation, verbs of like + noun or + gerund, basic personality adjectives…).
The poster can be used: for A0 students, after only a few hours of learning English, as a tool for grammatical and lexical discovery and up to A2 level for basic review (or as an ice breaker).
The poster is presented in 4 different formats:
- A4 color sheets;
- A4 black & white sheets
- A poster format for A3-A0 printing;
- A JPG or PNG file for easy copy and paste onto virtual whiteboards.
It takes a team of 13 to create and produce this material. In order for that to continue, please think about purchasing your own subscription to ESL Expertz and encourage your colleagues to do the same. We appreciate your confidence and support!
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