Head Hunter – Job Interview Questions
Have you ever participated in a whale hunt? Do you like dogs? Can you make friends with children? What are you doing tonight? Turn your classroom into a job fair!
The concept is simple, and you’ve probably already guessed it. But, here it is! aesthetic, ready to be printed and cut out or screen shared because we know how busy you are.
– each student receives a small sheet (or JPG) indicating what type of person they are looking for. For example:
- a personal assistant in an Anglo-Columbian company
- someone to take care of your dog while you are on vacation
- Someone to cook for you and 10 guests on your birthday
– the student must prepare 5 questions which, according to them, will allow them to find the person best suited to this type of work. For example:
- Do you speak Spanish?
- Are you afraid of big dogs?
- Are you a fan of Indian cuisine?
Two notes before you get going:
- the downloadable file (found below) is focused mostly on closed (yes or no) questions, but I advise you to allow for more open questions: if your students can manage, allow them to make any type of question they would like.
- You can ask students to prepare questions at home and then bring them to class, but I prefer to do that in class in order to correct any questions along the way (everything depends on the time you have, number of students, whether or not you’re hungry…)
– Once they have their questions, they begin their search for the perfect employee. Students pair up, ask some questions, jot down their responses, and pass to the next person. This can be achieved similarly with platforms like ZOOM and Learncube with the use of Breakout Rooms (they are AWESOME) and sending specific JPGs to your students. This way, you also have the means to create time limits and force new interactions.
Whichever way you manage it, keep your ear open and help your students along the way by asking them to autocorrect or have their partner help them with missing vocabulary first before correcting yourself.
– At the end, have your students give highlights of their head hunting search, or have everyone explain their ideal candidates.
Please note: the duration of this activity is extremely variable. The more encouragement and energy you put into it, the longer it will last and the better it will be.
It takes a team of 13 to create and produce this material. In order for that to continue, please think about purchasing your own subscription to ESL Expertz and encourage your colleagues to do the same. We appreciate your confidence and support!
chloe.ailhas –
Hello 🙂
I am going to try this activity today (last minute preparation xD).
I just wanted to point out that I can only save every pdf files on this website as jpg (right click on the doc). There is no “download” symbol down the documents.
Is this normal ? I am using Chrome and don’t have this problem on leszexpertsfle website.
Thanks in advance and have a great week,
Ian Kime –
The links to the downloadable files should be there soon. We are doing a bit of housekeeping at the moment… I added a new link to the downloadable file for Head Hunter. That activity is now downloadable as per usual. We will get the others sorted out as soon as possible.
Marjorie Targar –
That looks fanatic Ian. The only problem for me is that I teach face to face classes with social distancing and no changing of places during the lesson. Any ideas how to adapt it and keep it dynamic? I have a group of 8 at this level (adults).
Thanks for all the terrific ideas and worksheets at ESL ExpertZ, I’ve had some really interesting lessons with them.
Have a great Monday,
Kind regards,
Ian Kime –
Hmmm… that’s a tough one!
Might I suggest telephone interviews? In this day and age, our students will probably have a lot of contact (especially professional) over the phone or online. In my opinion, understanding language this way is a skill unto itself. Would your students be willing to share their phone numbers with each other?
If not, you could ask your students to create their questionnaires, pass them to their neighbor, have students answer and sign (this might be better with the yes or no questions), then continue to pass them along until they run out of spaces on the sheet. Then, the sheets go back to their owners, and the student must choose the best candidate for the job.
What do you think? 🙂