Irregular Verbs Past Perfect Activity

A quick and fun warm up, waiting, or end of class game to practice both past perfect and irregular verbs in your online classroom.

It’s day eleven of our 15 days of irregular verb activities and we’ve got an irregular verbs past perfect activity ready to download. The activity consists of 20 cards each with the beginning of a sentence ending with “because…” and 5 choices of irregular verbs to complete the sentence and explain the situation.

How it works

Use this activity is a warm-up, while you are waiting for your students to arrive, or at the end of a lesson.

There are 20 cards to help your students practice the past perfect and their irregular verbs. Each card has a situation from the past and they must explain why by using the past perfect and one of the verbs on the card. The less frequently the irregular verb is used in spoken English, the higher the point value. Give your students 30-60 seconds to come up with a response, share them, and then dole out points to those who created a grammatically correct sentence and correctly spelled their irregular verb!

Farid missed his flight yesterday because…

…he had had too much to drink the night before and didn’t hear his alarm.

…he had thought it was today!

…he hadn’t put his alarm on the night before.

…he hadn’t slept well all week and finally fell deeply asleep.

…he had lit his ticket on fire at a party a few nights before and then forgot.

If any of your students can manage to get the 5-pointers, please share them with us because we tried to make them really hard!


1 review for Irregular Verbs Past Perfect Activity

  1. ziebahania

    what a great idea! Thank you

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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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