Online Friendly ESL Discussion Worksheet: Flying Taxis
Today you and your students will be talking about a company called Volocopter competing in the hypothetical future flying taxi industry.
Today you and your students will be talking about a company called Volocopter competing in the hypothetical future flying taxi industry.
If you like warmers (it’s basically my favorite part of the lesson), ask your students to list as a group either a) modes of transport in the city e.g taxis, roller skates, bike, on foot, uber, etc. or b) future inventions predicted by television, movies and cartoons they have seen e.g. teleportation devices, cops that prevent crime before it happens, brain implants, etc.
Oh, I should also mention it’s a great video for practicing tough accents as the two presenters in the video both have strong ones!
After the warm-up, start by distributing the PDF to your students, and then watch the video below once or twice. The link is also on the PDF.
The video: https://youtu.be/G-pxhYWtDIA
Want to go further?
Check out this link >> to see a comparison of flying taxi companies currently in business that hope to compete in the market.
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