Discussion Worksheet: The Pickleball Craze Explained

Use this ESL discussion worksheet to discuss the pickleball craze that has swept the United States.

For our American subscribers, this video and worksheet will come as no surprise. Pickleball started picking up steam around the pandemic and hasn’t let off the gas since. I missed the pickleball craze by a couple years, having moved to Europe a couple years before it got popular. From the perspective of a tennis fan and outsider, it really did seem silly and childish at first. But it looks like I’ll have to take it a bit more seriously now…

Here is a suggested sequence for using this discussion worksheet:

  • Warm-up question: What do you think pickleball is? If you know what it is, wait for the others to imagine and guess, then explain it in your own words.
  • Watch the video once without subtitles.
  • Work through the vocabulary on the worksheet and answer any questions.
  • Watch the video again with the subtitles.
  • Put students in pairs to complete the listening comprehension questions.
  • Put students in pairs to complete the speaking activity.
  • Put students in small groups to complete the group activity.

The video: https://youtu.be/5bp-0aaXYsA


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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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