Online Friendly ESL Discussion Worksheet: Adulting 101
Do young people need adulting classes? In America, the consensus is a resounding “Yes”. Today you and your students will listen to a guest on a morning news program talking about adulting classes. This topic could cause a lot of debate if you have a mixture of ages in your group!
If you like warmers (it’s basically my favorite part of the lesson), first ask your students to define the word adulting. One definition I found was “The ability to perform mundane tasks effectively.” Give your students a minute or two to write their definition and share it in the chat or out loud if in the classroom.
Use this ESL Discussion Worksheet however you’d like, but here’s what we recommend:
- Warm-up ideas: Define the word adulting? What does it mean to be an adult? Compare adulthood to childhood. Which is better, in your opinion?
- Watch the video once: Ask your students if there is anything in their adult life they might need a class like this for? The link to the video is also on the PDF.
- Vocabulary: Check out the vocabulary on the PDF and answer any questions.
- Watch the video again: Answer the questions on the PDF in pairs.
- Speaking Activity: Put students in pairs to complete the speaking activity – directions on the PDF.
The video: https://youtu.be/y-RrPlmG0oQ
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