A0 Activity: Closed Questions with Do
This activity allows you to discover, practice or review closed questions with do. Perfect for A0 beginner learners online or offline.
This activity allows you to discover, practice or review closed questions with do. You can do this activity as a class. Begin by calling on a student and asking them a question by completing one of the starters in the middle. “Hanna, do you like your neighbors?” The student must respond with the short answer “Yes, I do.” or “No, I don’t.” Then, it is their turn to call on another student in the class and ask another question. Continue like this until all the options have been used. Encourage your students to write a few of their own questions in a similar fashion, and then interview their neighbor. Then, each student will present their neighbor to the class. To further push the idea of the closed questions, the other students can ask the presenter a question about their partner, “Does Peter like to cook?” and give a response like, “No, he doesn’t. But he does like to eat!”
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