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Prove it! Advanced Conjunctions Speaking Activity

Targeted at your B2/C1 groups of any genre, this advanced conjunctions speaking activity will really get them to crank those gears in their English brain.

This will be a challenge! Targeted at your B2/C1 groups of any genre, this advanced conjunctions speaking activity will really get them to crank those gears in their English brain. This is a big level up from the A1/A2 Prove it! Conjunctions Activity. Even I had to get a little creative for some of them while going through it myself. The same rules apply as for all other Prove it! games:

The PDF is interactive, but you can use it as a printable, too. Play as a class. Choose one of the prompts starting with “Prove that you…” and then have your students or teams take turns coming up with sentences that prove the prompt. Be sure they know they do not have to tell the truth! They can use their imagination. If they come up with a sentence that uses one of the conjunctions correctly, they get a point. There is a bonus point if there are no errors! Tick each box as they are used. If a box is ticked, students cannot reuse that conjunction. Move on to the next prompt once all the conjunctions have been ticked. Untick the boxes and play again! If your students haven’t encountered one or more of these conjunctions, just go ahead and check them at the beginning of each turn.

You could also turn it into a homework assignment. Simply assign a prompt or two for the whole class and have them bring in their sentences the next day and compare with the rest of the class.


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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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