Global Trade Vocabulary
A world trade vocabulary worksheet connected to one of our lesson plans. Use it as extra practice, a review or homework assignment.
This interactive PDF world trade vocabulary worksheet can be used as a quick review before or after your lesson, as homework, or right after our own Global Trade Vocabulary and Discussion Lesson. Print it out or share the PDF with your students.
Review, practice and master vocabulary pertinent to the subject of global trade and the world economy, such as import, export, disrupt, shortage, supply, etc. Everything your students need to feel confident when talking about this subject. One half is a fill in the blank exercise with vocabulary from the original lesson. Students choose the word(s) the fit the blank(s). Each statement comes from a current economic situation (as of April 8, 2020) and comes with a source link for each event. For example, this article about how Nigeria wants to be a supplier of gas to the EU >>
Use the source links as a written homework assignment in which students read through one of the short articles and write a short summary. They will present these summaries at the next class.
The other half of the global trade vocabulary worksheet has a series of discussion sentences.
Click on “Download All” to get the student’s and teacher’s version.
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