Zimasheet – Irregular Verbs Activity
Another amazing zimasheet, but this time it’s and irregular verbs activity! Make 10 assumptions about your partner and get to know them!
It’s day one of our 15 days of irregular verb activities and we are starting out strong with an irregular verbs activity based on a very popular game! The zimasheet games are simple and can be fitted for your specific needs.
How it works
Choose an appropriate level for your group and display the PDF, or send the file to your students. Put students in pairs. Give students a time limit (if applicable) to come up with 10 assumptions they have about their partner by associating the verbs on the poster with one of the images. Their sentences can be very loosely related to the image!
When time is up, partners share their assumptions and receive one point for every correct assumption. If an assumption is found false, the student must give a truthful answer. Sounds simple – and it is! The goal is to guide students just enough that they are able to come up with something interesting while doing so in a context of “getting to know each other” that makes the end result worth their while.Â
Depending on the level of your group, be sure to expect a certain level of language and embellishment! For example
Beginner: You went to the cinema last night.
Intermediate: You have never run a marathon, but you would like to!
Advanced: You once dove into the ocean to catch your own fish in order to make fresh sushi and impress your girlfriend.
The irregular part?
Each level has a different set of irregular verbs based on their frequency of use in the English language. To find a great activity which organizes 100 different irregular verbs in this way click here >>
To force your students to use the irregular verbs irregularly use one of the following constraints:
- Use the past simple.
- Start every phrase with “You have never…”
- Use the present perfect!
- Or, come up with your own constraint to force the use of the second and third forms.
It takes a team of 13 to create and produce this material. In order for that to continue, please think about purchasing your own subscription to ESL Expertz and encourage your colleagues to do the same. We appreciate your confidence and support!
Anna –
Thank you! It is such a brilliant though simple idea!
Benoit Villette –
Thanks. If you like those Zimasheets, you can find more here: https://eslexpertz.com/category/type/zimasheet/