Which house chores would you rather do?
Students will take turns rolling the dice and comparing two house chores. Which would they rather do?
Play as a group or in pairs. The board is broken up into two sides with numbers for each chore. Find a random dice roller online which allows you to roll 1-9 on two dice. Students will take turns rolling the dice and then comparing the two associated house chores. Which would they rather do? (If their level allows it, you can expect a lengthier explanation.) Every chore uses a phrasal verb.
The student rolls a 3 and a 5:
“Would you rather put up holiday decorations or take down previous decorations?
– I would rather put them up because I like the spirit of Christmas and I get to be creative. Taking them down is depressing and I always spend a lot of time trying to untie all the knots!”
Looking for more? Check out all our Phrasal Verbs Activities.
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