The SMS Game: Adverbs of Frequency
This little writing activity to practice adverbs of frequency should be played as a group or in small groups. The premise is simple, choose a student at random to be the first player. They will secretly choose one of the text messages to respond to in the chat. If it is grammatically correct, they get a point. If it involves an adverb of frequency, it gets a bonus point. The other students race to figure out which SMS player one is responding to. The first one to guess correctly earns a point and becomes the next player.
You could also use this as a simple writing prompt, putting students in pairs and choosing an SMS as a starting point. Put a constraint, such as a time limit, or the use of a certain number of adverbs of frequency in order to up the challenge. Then, have the pairs “perform” the texting exchange for others to see and compare their own.
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