What do you think about it? Everyday Activities, Habits & Routines

Help students talk about everyday activities with this 20-statement discussion activity. Available as a printable, online-friendly PDF, it encourages debates and group discussions about habits and routines.

Get your ESL students talking about everyday activities, habits, and routines with this versatile speaking and discussion activity! The activity features 20 thought-provoking statements that prompt students to express their opinions on common everyday activities. Each statement is followed by the question, “What do you think about it?” giving students the opportunity to respond with “I agree” or “I disagree.”

Designed for use in pairs, small groups, or whole-class discussions, this activity encourages learners to justify their opinions, opening up short discussions after each statement. Whether they agree or disagree, students must explain their reasoning, which helps them practice using real-world language in meaningful conversations.

Flexible gameplay options make this activity even more engaging and makes it easy to talk about everyday activities:

  • Class Debate: Turn the activity into a class-wide debate! After each statement, students divide into two groups based on their stance—those who agree and those who disagree. The groups then debate their perspectives, adding an exciting element of persuasion to the activity.
  • Coin Flip Challenge: Add a twist by having students flip a coin to decide whether they will argue for “I agree” or “I disagree,” regardless of their personal opinion. This forces students to think critically and support their argument even when they don’t personally agree with the statement.
  • Forced Debate: Before each statement, divide the class into two halves. One half is assigned to agree with the statement and the other to disagree. After the debate, students can reveal their true opinions, but they must stick to their assigned side during the discussion.
  • Timed Opinion Switch: For a fast-paced variation, set a timer for each statement. After the timer goes off, students must switch their stance (from “agree” to “disagree” or vice versa) and continue debating from the opposite perspective. This adds an extra challenge and encourages students to consider both sides of the argument.

This activity is printable and online-friendly in PDF form, making it easy to use in any classroom setting, whether in-person or virtual. It’s a great way to encourage students to talk about everyday activities and boost their speaking confidence through interactive debates and discussions. Ideal for A1-level students, it helps improve fluency, critical thinking, and the use of everyday vocabulary.

Encourage thoughtful discussion, debate, and critical thinking while talking about everyday activities with this dynamic ESL activity!

Looking for a simpler activity for students to discover this vocabulary?

Me neither! Everyday Activities, Habits & Routines


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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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