Review relevant vocabulary while playing fun games with your students! 25 separate challenges and over 100 categories to play with. This is a resource you can use over and over again.
ReviZo is the perfect game to review and enrich your students’ vocabulary at any level and with a variety of relevant vocabulary.
The game is presented in the form of various challenges through different lexical fields. We have taken care to select themes applicable and complementary to typical textbooks and learning sequences.
Target Language
This game focuses on the sharing of knowledge between students. Learners pool their collective English know-how in various themes and teach each other along the way. In addition, the types of challenges we present offer your students the chance not only to review and enrich their vocabulary but to practice other useful skills as well such as spelling, types of words, and pronunciation.
We have designed this tool for you to use it over and over with over 100 vocabulary categories and 25 different challenges. We find it most beneficial when used regularly and often. Use it as a warm-up before your lesson or to kill the last 10 minutes after you have finished your lesson plan.
Great for A1-C1 😉
It is easy to set up and stimulating for your students of all ages and levels. It is classroom tested and student approved!
- Printable PDF with all game material and teacher instructions;
- A Virtual Version to use with your online classroom.
3 reviews for ReviZo
It takes a team of 13 to create and produce this material. In order for that to continue, please think about purchasing your own subscription to ESL Expertz and encourage your colleagues to do the same. We appreciate your confidence and support!
Karen –
Used this with my mixed level adult zoom class last night and they loved it! We had so much fun. I had them create team names and they were so competitive about finding words for each category! Loved this! Thanks for the great work!
pinat –
Very nice idea, this is exactlythe resource I was looking for.Thank you very much for all the nice job you have done so far!
looreenaa127 (verified owner) –
Super! I really like the fact that it is multilevel