Real English Conversation: Job Interview Activity
A fun dice inspired job interview activity to stretch your students’ English conversation skills and practice relavent vocabulary.
This job interview activity requires two dice, real or virtual.
Here is a link to a virtual dice roller.
Below are two ways to play.
As a group:
- Tell your students they are at a job interview. The boxes on the left contain questions from the interviewer and the boxes on the right are constraints for their responses.
- Roll two dice. The die on the left corresponds to the interview questions, and the one on the right the constraints.
- Give students a time limit to come up with an answer according to the constraint. They can type it into the chat.
- Students take turns sharing their answers and the class votes on the best, funniest, etc.
In pairs:
- Put your students in pairs and tell them they are at a job interview. One plays the interviewer, the other the interviewee.
- Each roll a die. The interviewer uses the boxes on the left, the interviewee on the right.
- Give pairs a time limit of about 3-4 minutes to have a small conversation starting from their question / constraint pairings.
- Come back as a class and ask who got the job!
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