Prove it! Adverbs of Frequency
This Prove it! activity is a fun and engaging way to get your students to use adverbs of frequency in the free practice or review sections of your lesson plans. It includes the basics (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely and never) as well as three basic expressions (twice a month, once a week and every day).
You can play this as a class or in small groups. Start by selecting one of the Prove it! cards in the middle of the PDF. Students take turns trying to prove that statement (be sure they know it does not have to be true for them) while using the adverbs of frequency on the edges. Students give one sentence at a time. When an adverb of frequency has been used, check the box so that it cannot be used again. If the student gives a grammatically correct response, they earn a point which you can record on the bottom right. Once all the boxes have been checked, uncheck them all and choose a new Prove it! card.
Have fun!
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