Me neither! Present Perfect

Functional language: About yourself
Skill: Speaking
Topic: General

This Present Perfect Pair Speaking Game helps students practice the present perfect tense through a fun, interactive activity. Whether printed or used online, it’s perfect for pair or group work and encourages independent speaking practice without constant teacher supervision. Ideal for students new to the present perfect!

This Present Perfect Pair Speaking Game is the perfect way to practice the present perfect tense with students who are just beginning to explore this grammar point. Designed for pair or group play, this fun activity is based on the classic truth or lie game, encouraging students to ask and answer questions while using short present perfect responses. It works equally well in both online and in-person settings, making it versatile for classroom or virtual lessons.

How It Works:
Students take turns choosing a sentence from the game and reading it aloud. Their partner or classmate responds using one of four preset phrases. The rest of the group (or the other partner) then guesses whether the responder is telling the truth or lying, sparking a lively discussion in English. This interactive game is self-directed, so students can play independently without constant teacher input.

Game Features:

  • Engaging: Keeps students speaking, practicing, and having fun with the present perfect.
  • Versatile: Perfect for online or offline use, this game can be printed, projected on a screen, or played via a whiteboard in the classroom.
  • Self-Sufficient: Once instructions are clear, students can run the game independently, making it ideal for pair work.

Whether you need an icebreaker or a supplemental activity for practicing the present perfect tense, this game fits into any lesson plan. Use it in groups or pairs for fluency-building and confidence in speaking!

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Nicolas Bragard

Nicolas Bragard

As a teacher of ESL and French as a foreign language for several years, I have had the opportunity to work in several countries and with a wide variety of students. Now my job got even better: I get to help make your lessons all pretty and fun! Rather cool, I'd say.

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