Guess the City
A unique chance to practice quantifiers, there is, and city vocabulary with a fun guess the city activity.
Here’s another chance to practice and review quantifiers and city vocabulary with this simple guess the city speaking activity. Several well-known cities are presented in the middle of the PDF with different there is structures with various quantifiers surrounding them. Students will each secretly choose a city and create phrases as clues for their peers. After presenting their clues, students must guess which city they are describing. To make it more challenging, you could have students take turns describing a secretly chosen city, using only 3 choices of structures. Each time one of them is used, check one of the boxes. Once all the boxes are checked, that structure is no longer available to use for the following descriptions. You could also make it a class wide activity by choosing one of the cities and having students take turns giving a description based on one of the structures, checking the box each time and moving onto the next city when they are all checked (or one from each structure).
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