Future Continuous Speaking Activity
Finally, a fun future continuous speaking activity that everyone can enjoy while getting to know peers and hitting that target language.
Ugh where was this when i first started teaching? Pairs make assumptions about their partners in this future continuous speaking activity and earn points for correct assumptions. To add more fun, make everyone correct the erroneous assumptions, adding repetition and general interest to the equation. We have limited the text to options that would be useful to generate future perfect phrases with.
Display the PDF for everyone to see or pass out a copy to each pair or group. Give students some time to get acquainted with the images. Set a time limit for everyone to write down several assumptions about their partner using the text on the worksheet and inspiration from the images. Once time is up, partners take turns sharing their assumptions with each other, marking a point for every correct assumption and correcting erroneous ones when possible. Because we are talking about the future, these assumptions may be either scheduled events or predictions – it’s up to the partner to decided if you score a point or not! Once finished, think about bringing the class back together so everyone can share one thing they learned about their partner.
Looking for more? Check all our Future Tenses Activities.
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