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Start to Finish: Clothing Vocabulary

Use this Clothes and Accessories Vocabulary Board Game with your beginner students to test their knowledge of this vocabulary!

Clothes Vocabulary Game – A Fun and Engaging ESL Activity

Looking for a fun and interactive clothes vocabulary game for your ESL classroom? This printable and online-friendly game is the perfect way to activate and review clothing-related vocabulary while encouraging critical thinking and reading comprehension.

This start-to-finish board game challenges students with simple riddles about clothing and accessories. Each space contains a clue, such as:
👕 “You wear two at a time.”
👗 “Good for a hot summer day.”
🧦 “Wear this underneath something.”

Since many clues have multiple possible answers, students must think creatively and justify their responses. Teachers or classmates decide if an answer is acceptable, making it a flexible and engaging learning activity.

How to Play – Classic Board Game Variant

🔹 Print or Display the Board – Play as a class or in small groups.
🔹 Use a Die to Move – Students take turns rolling and advancing.
🔹 Answer the Riddle – Players must give a correct clothing-related answer for their space.
🔹 Challenge Rule – If they can’t answer, they move back three spaces (even if they rolled a 1 or 2!).
🔹 Unique Answers – If a space is landed on multiple times, a new answer must be given.
🔹 Win the Game – The first student to reach the finish wins!

Alternative Ways to Play

🔹 Classroom Brainstorming Challenge

  • The teacher reads a riddle aloud, and students shout out as many correct answers as possible.

  • The class votes on which answers work best.

🔹 Riddle Draw Game

  • Cut out the riddles and place them in a hat or cup.

  • Students draw a riddle at random and must answer it correctly.

  • Play individually, in pairs, or in teams!

🔹 Speed Round

  • Set a timer for each answer—students must respond quickly or lose their turn!

🔹 Make Your Own!

  • Have students make their own riddles for clothes vocabulary they already know! Then, play the game again.

This clothes vocabulary game is perfect for beginner ESL students who need a fun and engaging way to practice essential clothing and accessories vocabulary. Whether you play it as a traditional board game, class-wide challenge, or a fast-paced riddle activity, it’s guaranteed to get students thinking and speaking in English.

Printable & online-friendly
Encourages vocabulary recall and reading comprehension
Flexible gameplay for different classroom settings

Looking for more clothes vocabulary ESL activities? Check out our full collection of fun and interactive games for students!


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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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