City Vocabulary Exercise
Which of the five words doesn’t fit and why? Use this city vocabulary exercise as a fun way to review city vocabulary and speaking.
If you’ve already used one of our odd one out activities, you’ll need no further explanation. Download and Enjoy! If This city vocabulary exercise is your first time, well, then here you go:
Share the PDF or print a copy for your students. Each card contains 5 words or phrases. One of them doesn’t fit the rest.
Students must find the odd one out and explain why. Simple! Your students may surprise you with their answers, though, so be open to interpretation!
For example: pleasant, calm, dangerous, modern, clean
Modern doesn’t fit because it’s the only negative adjective to describe a city.
Play as a group or let your students try to find all 9 answers individually. Then, check the answers as a class. Give a point for each correct answer (the odd one out and the explanation).
Here is a list of possible answers for you, just in case. But be on the lookout for sharp-eyed pupils who come up with a different yet logical response:
1: Ferry – they are all modes of transportation, but the ferry is on water;
2: Pool – the other words are places for cultural activities;
3: Dangerous – it is the only negative adjective;
4: Train station – the others are places of learning (a student could say university: the others are all compound nouns);
5: Cemetery – it is not a place to practice sport or exercise… usually;
6: Hospital – it is not a place of business (well, go ask the Americans what they think…);
7: Factory – it is not a natural place;
8: fountain – it is not a place to buy food;
9: church – it has nothing to do with cars;
Ideas to take it further:
- Set a time limit!
- Have students add elements to each box after the mystery has been solved.
- Students make their own odd one out boxes and challenge the class.
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