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City Break Phrasal Verbs

Students are presented with 24 useful phrasal verbs for getting around a new city each within a small context.

Whether your students just came from a city break or are about to go on one, might be best to brush up on some useful city break phrasal verbs before the next trip. In this activity, students are presented with 24 useful phrasal verbs for getting around a new city each within a small context. The goal is for the phrasal verbs to be easily understood within the context, but be sure to clarify any that your students struggle with, or those with more specific meanings such as drop by or drop in on.


Feel free to use this PDF however you’d like, but here is our suggestion:

  1. Play in pairs, small groups or as a class. Display the PDF, send a copy to your students, or print out a copy for each group.
  2. The object of the activity is to familiarize students with useful city break phrasal verbs, so one student will read a phrase out loud and then ask their partner, group or the class the question in the middle of the worksheet.
  3. The other students must respond with one of the 4 options on the poster.
  4. The caller must decide who is lying and who is telling the truth, getting a point for each correct assumption. Those who lied must now tell the truth! This repetition reinforces the correct usage of these phrasal verbs.
  5. Move to the next caller. Once all the phrases have been played out, the student with the most points wins.

Go further

Think about asking your students to create questions using these city break phrasal verbs to ask their partner about their past or upcoming city break or vacation.


Looking for more? Check out all our Phrasal Verbs Activities.


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Ian Kime

Ian Kime

I have been teaching English abroad since receiving my CELTA certificate in Poland in 2018. I enjoy tracking my individual students’ development but love having lessons with big groups! Now that I teach online, I am accompanied by my sidekicks Olaf, Mała, Pirate and Bandit on a regular basis.

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