Christmas Traditions Verbs and Vocabulary: Lie Detector
Discover, practice or review some Christmas traditions verbs and vocabulary while practicing short answers in the simple present.
Here is another fun way for your students to discover some Christmas traditions verbs and vocabulary while practicing some present simple and short answers (as well as the proper way to use me too and me neither). On the worksheet are a number of statements about a person and their Christmas tradition, or lack thereof.
If using this ESL Christmas worksheet as a group, ask a student to choose a sentence, read it aloud, and then ask "And you, …?"
They choose a classmate's name. The classmate will then answer with one of the 4 short responses in the bubbles. Make sure they choose a grammatically correct one based on whether the original sentence is affirmative or negative. It's a good idea to use this Christmas worksheet as a series of prompts for talking about Christmas, too, if the level of your group permits.
After they answer, the group must decide if they are telling the truth or lying. If possible, ask for reasons why they believe or do not believe the responder. For every student who answers incorrectly, the responder gets a point. The responder then chooses the next sentence and reads it aloud… and so on!
"Karen doesn't like Christmas
And you, Paweł?
Me neither!
You're lying. You're wearing a Christmas sweater today. You must love Christmas.
I do...
Students can discover Christmas traditions verbs and vocabulary in pairs or small groups with this ESL Christmas worksheet as well.
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