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Choose your home! – Board game

This board game will allow your students to interact, play in teams and review the necessary vocabulary to talk about buildings and houses in online and offline classrooms.

How to use this activity?

Play as a group. The PDF comes with the game board, the scoring mechanism, and examples of dwellings.

Divide your students into three teams and make a game piece for each team. If you are using ZOOM, you can use the annotate option while screen sharing. I choose the transparent ellipse when I play these board games.

Have the teams each choose one of the dwellings to describe on the left. Place the game pieces on the starting positions. Teams take turns navigating the web of topics moving only between bubbles that are directly connected.

For each bubble, a member of the team describes that particular part of their dwelling. If it is grammatically correct, the team earns a point. If a teammate can add something more, they can earn a second point. The first team to get 10 points wins.


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Nicolas Bragard

Nicolas Bragard

As a teacher of ESL and French as a foreign language for several years, I have had the opportunity to work in several countries and with a wide variety of students. Now my job got even better: I get to help make your lessons all pretty and fun! Rather cool, I'd say.

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