Adverbs of Frequency Zimasheet
This Zimasheet is a great way to get your students to take their time and use the target language deliberately with a small writing activity. The PDF is covered with many illustrations meant to inspire your students to come up with complex phrases. Be sure they understand that the image is there to inspire an idea, and thus, does not need to be used literally. E.g. a picture of a whale does not need to be used as the word “whale” in a phrase – it may just have inspired the idea of ocean or swimming.
Students play in pairs. They should something to write with, or use the Zoom chat. Give pairs a time limit to write down ten assumptions they have about their partner, each one using a different adverb of frequency or expression. Once the time is up, pairs will read each other their assumptions. For each correct one, the player earns a point. If not, have students correct the information in order to prolong the practice. At the end, ask the pairs to present each other to the class based on the information they learned.
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