Past simple game: a day in the life
“A day in the life…” is a game for A1 students to master the past simple in English while developing their verbal vocabulary.
A day in the life… is a game for A1 students to master the past simple in English with both regular and irregular verbs. Students will build stories from context and action cards while identifying regular and irregular verbs (a few basic phrasal verbs are added in order to introduce students to this concept).
The ZIP file contains:
- An 11-page PDF with teacher instructions and game elements to be printed and cut out (72 STORY cards, 84 VERB cards, a 5 ACTION GAME BOARD, a 7 ACTION GAME BOARD, VERB LIST, and IRREGULAR VERBS LIST).
- a “VIRTUAL VERSION” folder containing all the worksheets and game cards in separate .jpg files. This allows for the possibility to use these illustrated worksheets to be multiplied: screen share a worksheet during an online course, project a worksheet in your classroom, display a worksheet on a smartboard or even just your computer screen, or simply select the worksheets you want to print, thus saving paper and ink, etc.
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