Past Simple – Board Game
Use this past simple board game for beginners to review very basic questions and verbs with your A0-A1 students online or offline.
Students can play as a class or in small groups. This activity was designed for the online classroom but also works great as a printable!
- If online, send the PDF to each student so they can keep track of their checkboxes.
- Display the game board or print one out for each group. Use your whiteboard tools to create a game piece for each player, or use random objects if in the classroom.
- For a player’s first turn, they must place their game piece in one of the squares in the first column. If you have too many students, they are allowed to share the same space.
- To keep a game piece in the square, they must use the image inside to answer one of the questions below. If they give a good answer, they can check the box.
- For the rest of the game, students can move their game piece one space horizontally or vertically across the board. Students cannot share the same square (for a quicker and easier version, students can share the same square).
- Their piece can stay if they answer one of the questions below with the image in the box. If the question is already check marked, no need to check it again. If the student gives a bad answer, they go back to where they came from.
- The first student to the other side with all nine of their questions marked wins the game.
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