Christmas Vocab revision game
Use this poster to review some essential vocabulary around Christmas with your B1/B2 students in the ESL classroom or online.
You are looking for Christmas activities for your ESL class ? You found the perfect page ! Here is a game called ReviZo to help your students to review some vocabulary around Christmas. What is a ReviZo activity ? It’s a quick vocabulary recall games. The full version has something like 100 category cards and a dozen different game variants to choose from. If you want more lessons and activities on this theme, check our Christmas pvage.
Merry Christmas !
Last minute shopping mayhem is right around the corner. The regular lines + COVID-19 maximum capacity = a holiday shopping nightmare. Bless those souls at DHL, UPS, and all the post office workers making sure (or trying their best) our boxes arrive before Christmas. If you were smart, you ordered all your gifts online weeks ago. If you were me, well… I’ll be taking Monday off work and getting to the mall early.
How to play
Screen share the PDF and get a timer ready. Students will play individually against one another for all the variants. Here are a few different ways you can play:
- Alphabet game: Choose a category. Students take turns giving a gift idea for said category. However, they must follow the alphabet i.e. the first student comes up with a gift idea starting with A, the next student B, and so on. If a student can’t come up with an idea for their letter, they are out of the game and the turn passes to the next student.
- Maximum: Choose a category. Give students a time limit. Students come up with as many ideas as possible, then present their ideas to the class. Every original idea earns the student one point.
- Guessing game: Give students a few minutes to come up with a single idea for each category. Students will write these in the chat (or on small pieces of paper if playing in the classroom) and other students will try to associate the ideas to the correct category while justifying their response.
- In my suitcase: Choose a category. Students have no restraints this time for generating their ideas. However, each time it is a student’s turn, they must repeat the preceding gift ideas in the correct order before adding their own idea. For example: For my six-year-old son, I will buy a lego set, a water gun, a puppy… etc.
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