Prepositions of Place in the Home Board Game
Simple and online friendly board game to practice prepositions of place in the home.
- Display the PDF or hand out a copy to each group.
- Create a token for each player using your whiteboard tools or use something as tokens.
- Use a virtual die, or real die, to move the tokens from start to finish.
- The student moves the token the correct number of places and must then tell the class what one might find there.
- If another student lands on the same space, they are not allowed to repeat the object, piece of furniture etc.
- If a student is stumped, doesn’t come up with something in a few seconds, or repeats another student’s response, they must go back two spaces.
To make it more interesting, you could ask students to elaborate on their answers. Why is that object there?
Here’s another way to practice Prepositions of Place in the home:
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